Our Impact


We have taken the Cattle Car to over 200 campuses, educating over 50,000 students. Our mission is to enable people of all ages to connect to the Holocaust on a personal level and inspire them to make a positive impact on our world.

Take a look below at some of the places we have visited:


National Mall

Washington, DC

“Placing the Cattle Car in the capital of the free world during a time of alarming increase in antisemitism globally sends a powerful message, reminding us of what happens when hate is allowed to go unchecked.”

Saint Andrews School

Boca Raton, FL

“It is important for students to continue to learn about the atrocities of the Holocaust in order to ensure that similar events never happen again.” - Josh Borthwick, Social Studies Department

University of Waterloo

Waterloo, ON

“I’ve never actually heard clear testimony by people who went through it….And that really made an impact” - Ishanee Dave, Second-year Science Student

Ocean Township High School

Oakhurst, NJ

“Coming out of this exhibit, it was very moving, it was emotional, I learned a lot of things I didn’t know before. - Sarah Elzamek, Senior

Parkland Library

Parkland, FL

"Running this event was an incredible opportunity for the Parkland/Coral Springs area to experience. From submitting a Special Event Permit with the City of Parkland to seeing the hard work come to life, I have loved every moment of this journey. This event was our main event for We Remember, a DECA Chapter Project about spreading awareness about hate, including the Holocaust. We were excited to host an incredible event for 324 attendees" Mallory Biederman, Co-Founder of We Remember

Times Square

New York, NY

“Seeing this makes me remember how many people didn’t get to walk out of that cattle car, and we just walked out.” - Akiva Daitchman, who came to see the exhibit after seeing posts on social media

Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

“When you actually see it, when you hear something, but when you actually see it, the death camp survivors its totally different. To see how those people died for no reason other than being Jewish, Russian, Soviet, prisoners of war its powerful.” - Richard Norton, Public Visitor

Orlando Pride

Orlando, FL

“I think as time goes on, it would be easier for people to forget, but I think experiences like this are important because [they keep] the memories alive of the amount of people and innocent lives that were lost.” - Erika Tymrak

Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, MS

“One thing that I liked was just kind of hearing the voices of the survivors, you know, they speak with a Yiddish accent. Yiddish is a nearly extinct language now, and it’s because so many Yiddish speakers were living in Poland and Germany and Russia at the time and were massacred during the Holocaust. It’s one of those pieces of Jewish culture that’s nice to hear.” - Adam Nathan, Hillel Student President

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA

“For many of you, this cattle car is a reminder of the consequences of hatred and bigotry. For me, it is the family I never met.” - President Lawence S. Bacow, Harvard University

Horwitz-Wasserman Holocaust Memorial Plaza

Philadelphia, PA

"An obligation to all of us to stand up to all forms of hatred, not just antisemitism, but racism and any forms of bigotry, so we can as a society build a more tolerant future together." - Eszter Kutas

West Shore JR/SR High School

Brevard County, FL

"I've personally experienced antisemitism, driven by an irrational hatred of Jews and a failure to learn our history. Bringing the cattle car exhibit to my school will help my classmates take the lessons we learn only in books and make them real. I hope we all come away from it with an understanding of why the fight for tolerance and against hatred is so important." - Jacob Fine, Junior

Southside High School

Greenville, SC

“The overall message of the experience is one of hope and tolerance,” Arielle Nakdimon, Southern NCSY

University of Florida

Gainsville, FL

“What the cattle car reminds me most of is just this preserved wasteland of destruction…knowing the remaining survivors of the Holocaust won’t be alive after the next 10-20 years, exhibits like this are extra crucial in keeping the memory alive.” - Lana Kolchinsky, College Student